’23 Panels/Events

Fantastic Musical Performance with the Georgia Philharmonic

One of the most spectacular, time-honored traditions at Dragon Con is the Georgia Philharmonic performing. Each year, there has always been a level of barely-contained excitement and anticipation of the arrangement that will be performed. Each year, we think that it can’t get any better. Each year we are wrong. It’s always better. This year was no exception. The Hyatt… Read more →

Making Magic together: Elijah Wood and Sean Astin

Making Magic together: Elijah Wood and Sean Astin

The Marriott Atrium Ballroom was the place to be Saturday at 5:30PM when Brian Richardson, along with two thousand of his closest Dragon Con friends, welcomed Elijah Wood and Sean Astin to Dragon Con 2023. With members still filing in Wood and Astin took the stage and proceeded to regale the crowd with magical tales of walking, acting, and parenthood…. Read more →

Alternate & Historical Fiction Track logo

The Cozy Mystery Cuisine Book Club

The Alternate and Historical Fiction track hosted the virtual “Cozy Mysteries Meals & Drinks to Die For” panel, moderated by Elizabeth Carpenter and featuring three writers of the cozy mystery genre, Beth Dolgner, Mia P. Manansala, and Sherry Harris. The writers gathered to discuss the role of food and drink in the cozy mystery genre because, as Elizabeth said, “There’s… Read more →

Telling the Tale from the Stage

Telling the Tale from the Stage

The Alternate and Historical Fiction track hosted a panel organized by a new group at Dragon Con, The Theater and Performing Arts Lovers Group, in the Courtland Grand Macon at 10AM on a quiet Sunday morning. Byrne Harrison, Heather Stringfellow, Max Caracappa, and Courtney Bliss joined moderator Gary Mitchel in a consideration of American history as told from the stage…. Read more →

Mapping a Zombie Outbreak: It’s for Science!

Mapping a Zombie Outbreak: It’s for Science!

Charlie Kaufman, a geographer for the U.S. Army Corps in Charleston, SC, gave a highly amusing and entertaining presentation about using the Geographic Information System (GIS) to map a zombie outbreak. Charlie used GIS—a tool to create, manage, analyze, and map all sorts of data—to show a zombie outbreak that began on the College of Charleston and spread outward until… Read more →

Forty Years of ‘The Space Villains Come Back’

This year marks the fortieth anniversary of ‘Franchise from a Galaxy Far, Far Away Episode VI: The Space Villains Come Back.’ To celebrate this landmark, the Franchise from a Galaxy Far, Far Away track hosted a panel dedicated to the film and its legacy. Moderated by Bryan Young, Kevin Cafferty, Brandon Medley, Sarah Dempster and Shaun Rosado convened in Marriott… Read more →

Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey Spin-offs: Past and Future

On Saturday at 11:30AM, the BritTrack presented on YouTube a lively discussion of Doctor Who spin-offs, past and present, featuring Earth Station Who panelists, Mike Gordon, Mary Ogle, Christian Basel, and Melanie Dean. Mike Faber moderated the discussion. Faber was quick to note that in the Whoverse, spin-offs include not just TV shows but also movies, comics, the Doctor Who… Read more →

Scary Stories to Tell in the Decently Lit Fluorescent Lighting of a Hotel

Horror fans got a head start on Halloween at a telling of real-life paranormal experiences. Master storytellers recalled various times they had personal access to life beyond the living during the panel on Saturday at 8:30PM in Courtland Grand Athens. Alex Matsuo started the night with her telling of a near-death experience. After a car accident where she ended up… Read more →