2009 Blood Drive a Complete Success: 2,623 units!

For the Dragon*Con 2009 blood drive, we registered 2,439 people and drew 2,012 donors—1,836 whole blood, 85 platelets donors, and 92 double red cell. The drive resulted in a final tally of 2,623 units being put into inventory (140 platelets, 1,843 red cells, and 640 plasmas). That’s 2,623 chances to actively save a life! Many, many thanks to everyone who… Read more →

Wings and Writers: My First Year at Dragon*Con

Wings and writers, that was what Dragon*Con meant to me. A few frazzled writers scurry through a crowd of winged—costumed individuals thrilled by anything with “star” in the title. I admit I was wary of this image. I was weird, but was I weird enough? Was Dragon*Con really an impenetrable group of eccentrics who have attended conventions forever? I was… Read more →

Leonard Nimoy: Beyond Spock

Cheers erupted in the Atrium Ballroom as fans got a second chance to see Star Trek legend Leonard Nimoy.  He began by discussing his early career, including his first film, Zombies of the Stratosphere.  “I thought it would rocket me to stardom,” he said with a wry smile.  After all, “I was the first zombie through the spaceship door.”  Strange… Read more →