’09 Blood Drive

2009 Blood Drive a Complete Success: 2,623 units!

For the Dragon*Con 2009 blood drive, we registered 2,439 people and drew 2,012 donors—1,836 whole blood, 85 platelets donors, and 92 double red cell. The drive resulted in a final tally of 2,623 units being put into inventory (140 platelets, 1,843 red cells, and 640 plasmas). That’s 2,623 chances to actively save a life! Many, many thanks to everyone who… Read more →

Blood Drive Day 4

The record increases! 437 people registered today, bringing the total registered donors to 2,081 for the past four days. About 1,650 were able to donate, and we have close to 2,100 units! Tomorrow is the last day to donate. Give in the Marriott, rooms A701 and A702, from 10AM to 3PM.

Blood Drive Day 3

Blood donations at a science fiction convention hit a world record today. Since Thursday, 1,700 people registered to donate, 1,400 were eligible to donate, and over 1,800 units of blood were donated, including platelets and double platelets. There are still two days to go. 3,000 units, here we come! Donate in the Marriott, rooms A701 and A702, 10AM to 7PM.

Blood Drive 2009

Last year, the Dragon*Con Blood Drive issued a challenge to the attendees to beat Comic-Con’s donations for that year. And we made history when we were the single largest blood drive ever at a science fiction related convention when 1,165 individuals registered to donate blood, with 938 of them successfully doing so and 75 double red donations using the ALYX… Read more →