’12 D*C News

Meet & Greet and Autograph Session with Scott Sigler and Bob Carter

New York Times best-selling novelist Scott Sigler and voice actor Bob Carter will be stopping by for a free meet & greet, photo op, and autograph session at Digital Gaming on Sunday. Don’t miss them! Scott Sigler is the author of Nocturnal, Ancestor, Infected and Contagious, hardcover thrillers from Crown Publishing, and the co-founder of Dark øverlord Media, which publishes… Read more →

Registration Moves at Light Speed–Or It Seems That Way

Whatever bugs might have been in the barcode registration system last year seem to have been worked out, and people are blasting through registration. The average wait time has varied from ten to 45 minutes, a vast improvement over the multi-hour waits in line to get into a ballroom to get into another line to get into an alphabetical line… Read more →

2012 Programming for the Younger Dragon*Con Crowd

The Kaleidoscope Track has once again compiled a list of panels and events (link opens a Google Docs spreadsheet) at this year’s Dragon*Con we think younger convention-goers would enjoy. It’s not the complete selection of events we think suitable for our younger attendees, but it’s a great starting place. As always, parents should employ their own best judgment.