’12 Interviews

Vampires with an Abbott and Costello Twist: An Interview with John Hartness

Author John G. Hartness had an unusual path to finding a publisher.  He self-published the first three volumes of his series, The Black Knight Chronicles, before selling them to Writing track sponsor Belle Bridge Books. Daily Dragon (DD):  How would you describe your series? John G. Hartness (JGH):  I call it comedic urban fantasy.  It’s hero-driven using classic comedy tropes. … Read more →

Read Assist: How Bar Flies and Baen Books Make a Difference

Baen Books offers all of its eBooks—yes, all—for free—yes, free—through Read Assist, a fan-organized and run program. Available at readassist.org, Read Assist is designed to aid individuals with reading disabilities by making all of Baen Books’ collection available to them at no charge. Just fill out a form, including doctor’s information for disability verification, and enjoyment from these amazing books… Read more →


Cosplay 101: From Dazzler to Robocop in Three Not-so-Easy Steps

Chances are good that you will see plenty of cosplayers amidst the colorful masses at Dragon*Con every year. Cosplay, the Japanese art of costume play known as ko-su-pu-re according to cosplaycloset.com, is a popular worldwide costuming trend. If you run into this amazing Dazzler at Dragon*Con, you’ve just had an encounter with Comicbookgirl19, a deep South transplant to sunny Southern… Read more →

Dropping in on Dragon*Con: One Fan’s Solution

Dropping in on Dragon*Con: One Fan’s Solution

Dragon*Con is pending, you’re waiting for the mobile app to load, and one of your best friend calls to tell you he’s getting married on September 1… September 1?  It can’t be!  That’s Dragon*Con Saturday.  How could he do this to me?  But when you put down your crying towel after downing three or more of your comfort beverages of… Read more →