How to Shorten Your Wait Time at On-Site Registration

The overwhelming consensus among y’all is that the least fun ride at Dragon*Con is the waiting-in-line one (although some of you have managed to turn necessity into virtue by using the opportunity to do some prime people watching and socializing). If you have not preregistered and are paying on-site, here’s a tip for shortening the time you have to spend… Read more →

Ways to Stay Up-To-Date on Dragon*Con Schedule Changes

So we just got a question asking how convention attendees can keep track of all the Dragon*Con schedule changes. First, a little reminder: all programming currently in the mobile app is tentative as the convention continues to firm up programming and appearances for 2012. Now, onto the recap:


2012 Dragon*Con Charity Auction to Benefit ALS Association

This year’s official Dragon*Con charity is the Georgia Chapter of the ALS Association, which will receive all proceeds from this year’s charity auction and other charity events at Dragon*Con. The Charity Auction will be Sunday 10AM. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a neurodegenerative disease that usually attacks both upper and lower motor neurons and causes degeneration… Read more →

MARTA escalator map for D*C 2012

MARTA Peachtree Center Escalators Update: Map

For folks confused about the MARTA Peachtree Center station escalator situation, MARTA has put together a map indicating which escalators will be out of service during Dragon*Con, with the Dragon*Con host hotels highlighted for your convenience:

Silk Road Expo

Don’t miss the Silk Road Expo, a fan based performance exposition based on the arts of the Silk Road, featuring dance performances from the past and present, both historical and imagined. Sat 5:30PM, Hanover C-E (Hyatt). Open to applicants who wish to present art forms such as martial arts, puppetry, lion/dragon dance, and song and poetry from (or inspired by)… Read more →

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