’13 Info

Dragon Con MARTA Commuters Beware

For those of you commuting locally to Dragon Con and out-of-towners riding the trains from off-site hotels, all shambling, zombie-like, through the Peachtree Center station, beware! Just before 9AM Sat, a crowd of parade-bound fans ascending a vertigo-inducing escalator were trapped when the escalator growled and ground to an abrupt halt. The offending escalator rises above the tap-out exit to… Read more →

Space Track Has Launched!

Space Track Has Launched!

To a new track room, that is! For 2013, the Space Track will be in Hilton 309/310. From our old Hilton track room (203, now the Podcasting Track room), take the circular staircase on the left wall of the main area of the 2nd floor and go up one flight, or take the elevator to the 3rd floor. The Space… Read more →

Updated Walk of Fame Listing

Here’s the new and improved Walk of Fame listing to download as a PDF (it will also be included in the mobile app under “Show Documents”). Please note that this document is the correct one, not the one in the Pocket Program: