A Daily Dragon Primer

We’re gearing up for Dragon Con 2013, and to make it easier for y’all to keep up-to-date on news at the convention, here’s a listing of Daily Dragon pages you might want to peruse and bookmark:

New Locations for Walk of Fame, Vendors, and Autographing in 2013

For 2013: Dragon Con Vendors (Dealer and Exhibit Halls) will be located in the AmericasMart—across Peachtree from the Hyatt, next to the Westin. The Walk of Fame will move to the Marquis Ballroom (Marriott). Autographing will move to International Hall South (Marriott). The Imperial Ballroom (Marriott) and Grand Ballroom (Hilton), which housed the Exhibit Hall and Walk of Fame, respectively,… Read more →

New Tracks for 2013

Fantasy Literature This year we will be folding programming for Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time and Anne McCaffrey’s Worlds into a Fantasy Literature fan track. Have no fear, fans of the works will still have Pern and Wheel of Time programming available! Dragon Con’s Fantasy Literature track offers fans of the written work a place to talk about their favorite,… Read more →