’18 Panels/Events

How Does Kryptonite Work? and Other Smallville Insights

If the title “Smallville Cast: Reunion of Lost Choices” makes you go “huh?” you are not alone. The personalities presented at 1PM on Saturday in the Hilton Grand Salon kept the audience in stitches but didn’t lend themselves to a sequential retelling of the stories. Moderator Thomas Parham’s introductions set the tone for the rest of the panel. Multiple-time guest… Read more →

Space Medicine for Dummies

SITREP Report, Hermes II Station, mission day 283… Dr. Douglas Wayne Talk began the “Medical Emergencies in Space: There is NO ‘Space 911’!” on Saturday in the Hilton with a terse situation report. Dr. Martin, the station medical specialist, needs her gallbladder removed immediately. Her condition is deteriorating rapidly. Specialists on earth can give advice and may even be able… Read more →

Steampunk Gadgets Galore

Steampunk Gadgets Galore

As I entered the Museum of Alternate History on Sunday in Sheraton Augusta, I had the good fortune to meet the knowledgeable and charming Elizabeth Carpenter, who has been the caretaker for the past 6 years. The museum, she explained, is the brainchild of award-winning costume designer Paige Gardner, who currently works with the Costuming track. Gardner was acquainted with… Read more →

Authors Explore Plotting vs. Plodding… and Jelly Doughnuts

A panel of authors led by the august Lee Martindale showered writers with splendid advice in the Saturday afternoon Writers Track panel in the Hyatt on creating plots. Describing herself as a “short-story slinger,” Martindale invited the team of authors to suggest ways to capture sometimes elusive plot ideas. Melissa F. Olson replied that when she gets even a small… Read more →

Historically Drinking

Historically Drinking

A panel of cocktail professionals addressed a rowdy group of cocktail enthusiasts Friday night at 10PM in Marriott A601–A602. A cash bar in the back of the room promoted the festive spirit. Headed up by track director Enrique Velazquez, better known as Doctor Q, and sponsored by Joystick Gamebar, the speakers talked about the history of their chosen spirits and… Read more →

A Weapon Through the Ages

A Weapon Through the Ages

On Sunday afternoon in the Hyatt, Thomas Riley and Josh Waters presented “The Evolution of the Medieval Sword.” They explored the changes in swords by function and typography. The program focused on European swords because the katana has not changed in hundreds of years. The discussion began with an explanation of the parts of a medieval arming sword, which is… Read more →

Once Upon a Time: Jennifer Morrison Makes Her Dragon Con Debut

Once Upon a Time: Jennifer Morrison Makes Her Dragon Con Debut

Once Upon a Time fans rejoiced as Jennifer Morrison made her first Dragon Con panel appearance on Sunday at the Hilton Grand Salon to talk fairy tales, being a strong female role model, and directing. The yellow Volkswagen was basically a character in its own, and an early question was whether Morrison was able to drive it around. “Yeah, that… Read more →

Steampunk’d in Thirty Minutes

Steampunk’d in Thirty Minutes

If you’ve ever wanted to see a costume thrown together in thirty minutes from random scraps, then “Extreme Makeover: Steampunk Edition” is the panel for you. On Friday at 2:30PM in Hilton Grand East, cosplay fans were treated to three expert costumers creating costumes from a wagon filled with scraps. David Anthony Lee, Astrid Shadows, and Andrew Reseigh graced the… Read more →