Teen Heroes Come Into Their Own

Moderator Tony Barletta and artists George Perez and Joe Benitez made up the “Teen Titans Through the Years panel” on Friday afternoon in the Hyatt. Barletta opened the discussion by noting that there was a Teen Titans series in the 1960s featuring sidekicks of DC lead heroes. The series reboot in the 1980s featured Robin, Wonder Girl, and Kid Flash… Read more →

Ritual, Faith, and Magic in Military Sci-Fi

“There seems to be a lot of tension in sci-fi between the idea of space and the idea of God,” mused panelist Melayne Seahawk at the beginning of “Supernatural and Religious Elements in Military Sci-Fi” on Saturday afternoon in Westin Chastain EF. This was the heart of a deep but entertaining conversation about the ways science fiction TV shows use… Read more →

Revisiting Pern and Anne McCaffery

James Minz was the moderator for this panel Sunday morning at 11:30AM in the Hyatt. Todd McCaffery, the son of Ann McCaffery, and Jody Lynn Nye, the “Pernographer,” reminisced on Anne, her works, and her viewpoints on Pern. Anne McCaffery always considered Pern to be a Science Fiction genre, not Fantasy. Todd told the story that since there were dragons,… Read more →

Evangeline Lilly: Saint, Sinner, Writer, Wasp

Evangeline Lilly: Saint, Sinner, Writer, Wasp

Evangeline Lilly may be most recognizable these days as the Wasp in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), but she considers herself a writer first. And a dirty thief (wink, wink—more on that later). But, Sunday in the Marriott during her first appearance at Dragon Con, she showed con-goers that her megawatt smile fronts a truly magnanimous soul—jumping off stage in… Read more →

So You Want to Play D&D?

Role-playing games are gathering a growing interest. Maybe it’s because technology is overtaking our lives that people want to reconnect with other like minds. Whatever the reason, how do you start playing Dungeons and Dragons? In the Westin Saturday at 10AM was a great place to start. When the moderator Jeff Burns polled the room, about half raised their hands… Read more →

A Primer for the Art of Teapot Racing

A Primer for the Art of Teapot Racing

In preparation for the second annual Dragon Con Splendid Teapot Race, Elizabeth Wang Carpenter, race organizer, revealed tips and tricks to winning the competition. At 1PM on Friday afternoon in the Sheraton Augusta Room, it was standing room only. Carpenter was surprised that the majority of attendees was over the age of 10, which was the audience demographic she had… Read more →

Beowulf and High Fantasy

Beowulf and High Fantasy

The High Fantasy track welcomed Constance G.J. Wagner and Alicia Fox-Lenz to the Marriott for the second of two considerations of Beowulf, the Anglo-Saxon poem that had such a profound impact upon JRR Tolkien, and by extension contemporary fantasy. Wagner began the hour by trying to place the poem into a larger mythic context. Using the episode “Darmok” from Star… Read more →

Geeking Out with Felicia Day

Geeking Out with Felicia Day

Felicia Day charmed fans at “An Hour with Felicia Day” on Sunday at 10AM in the Westin Peachtree Ballroom, with an assist from her charming “straight” man Mike Capps. This one hour went by so quickly that audience members groaned when time was up. As bubbly and energetic as ever, Day began the panel by asking the audience, “Who went… Read more →

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