Have You Experienced the Comfort Slide?

About an hour ago, I passed the 24-hour mark at Dragon*Con. No, I haven’t been awake for all of them; sleep is my friend. But something happens to my brain when I’m bathing in the pool of Dragon*Con euphoria and this change tends to happen somewhere around the 24- hour mark. I call the phenomenon the comfort slide, or TCS,… Read more →

Cogs, Gears, and Music: The Extraordinary Contraptions

A mad genius, a time traveler, a lawman, and a gentleman explorer; this combination could only mean that The Extraordinary Contraptions had hit the stage to start the show. Each member of the group came on stage with their own introductions and back stories. If you love steampunk, a good show, or both, then the Centennial Ballroom in the Hyatt… Read more →

Thursday Night Delights: Valentine Wolfe

After spending two straight days at the Veld earlier this month in Toronto, this reporter feels like something of an expert when it comes to concerts. So naturally I was keen to attend one of the first gigs of the weekend. Performers Valentine Wolfe, a gothic duo from South Carolina, played Thursday night starting at 10PM. Their style infused heavy… Read more →

Giving Blood: The Gift You Give To Others

Every year, I have made it my mission to try something new at Dragon*Con. This year, I gave blood here for the first time. It was one of those things I kept meaning to do, but never took the time to do so. This year, I wanted to step up and help give the gift of life to others. It… Read more →