Remixing A Classic: Twisted Toonz

Voice actors Maurice LaMarche, Phil LaMarr, Khary Payton, and Billy West enchanted audiences Thursday night in the Hilton Salon with Twisted Toonz. In the event, the aforementioned performers read through scenes from The Wizard of Oz with a twist: each original character was provided with a voice inspired by a different character. Voices changed scene-by-scene at the instruction of panel… Read more →

2023 Dragon Con Parade

2023 Dragon Con Parade

The 23rd annual Dragon Con parade steps off at 10AM Saturday! The parade runs south along Peachtree Street to the convention area, ending between the Hyatt and the Marriott. The annual event draws in thousands from all around the Atlanta area to enjoy all the different costumes, groups, and guests. If you’re headed out to watch, be sure to stake… Read more →

Muscle Mania

Muscle Mania

While wandering the hall outside Marietta in the nether regions of the Hyatt on Thursday at 5PM, this reporter stumbled across a gathering of muscle adorned people with intriguing costumes. Their goal: to win a spot in the Muscle Nerd Showdown to be held later in the evening. While waiting for their turn in the pre-judging portion of the contest,… Read more →

Enlightening but Frightening—Courtney Lytle Lectures Writers

Enlightening but Frightening—Courtney Lytle Lectures Writers

Courtney Lytle gave an enlightening, but frightening, come-to-[divinity of choice] cautionary talk to writers and alumni attending the Dragon Con Writer’s Two-Day Intensive Workshop directed by author Jody Lynn Nye. A partner at Culhane Meadows PLLC in Atlanta and an adjunct professor at Emory University School of Law, Lytle regularly works with copyright and other intellectual property issues. Write your… Read more →

Author Omnibus: AI, Boon or Bane for Fiction Writers?

Author Omnibus: AI, Boon or Bane for Fiction Writers?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, writing aids, tools, and apps present writers with help in topics ranging from grammar to creativity. Is AI an advantage for fiction writers, a snare, or even a bandit? The Daily Dragon asked professionals for comments pro and con. (Contributors were encouraged to answer only those questions that applied to their situation.) Daily Dragon (DD): What… Read more →

Hieber and Janes Create a Cornucopia of Spirits

Hieber and Janes Create a Cornucopia of Spirits

Check out Leanna Renee Hieber’s website. You’ll find a treasure of fiction suitable for any Dragon Con reader’s hoard. So what does Hieber do next? Enter A Haunted History of Invisible Women: True Stories of America’s Ghosts by Leanna Renee Hieber and Andrea Janes (Citadel Press 2022). A finalist in the 2022 Bram Stoker Awards® for Superior Achievement in Non–Fiction,… Read more →