Mentoring/Collaboration Panel Features Ringo Collaborators and Church

John Ringo led off Friday night’s panel in the Sci-fi & Fantasy Literature track with the assertion that “I’m going to be moderating this panel because I’m a d—k.”  But Ringo proved to be quite the opposite as he lauded his fellow panelists, authors Julie Cochrane and Tom Kratman and their contributions to work jointly authored with Ringo and published… Read more →


Margaret Weis Games premiered the Battlestar Galactica role-playing game at Dragon*Con this year, selling the book before the public release. Based on the “re-imagined” Battlestar on the Sci-Fi Channel, the show has established a fanatic following that prizes the “new” BSG for tightly-woven character and event-based plotting, as well as a lack of technical information.

Buffy Horror Big Whedonverse Draw

Two crammed-full houses sang and cheered along with Friday night’s “Buffy Horror Picture Show” performances. The fan-favorite showings of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical episode, “Once More, With Feeling,” featured volunteer cast members in costume performing roles both major and minor.

The History of Mars

The Space Track is one of the highlights for science geeks like me. Tucked away in the Forsythe room of the Hilton, the programming is out of this world. Planetary scientist Dr. Kevin R. Grazier began a two-part presentation concerning the red planet on Friday at 2:30 with “The History of Mars.”

Beta-Testing Wealth of Nations

While browsing the Dragon*Con group on LiveJournal, I came across a posting from Tablestar Games. Subsequently, I and my partner-in-crime, Claire Greiner, signed up for the beta testing of new tabletop game Wealth of Nations.

Utopias and Dystopias in YA Literature

In the Gwinnett room of the Hilton in the difficult 10:00AM Monday timeslot, Scott Westerfeld and a group of librarians discussed books that tackle the topic of Utopias and Dystopias. Many of the audience members were huge fans of Westerfeld’s Uglies, Pretties, and Specials books—a series set in a future where gasoline-powered engines all exploded decades before, and the new… Read more →