Stranger Things Fans Dissect Season 4

Fans of Stranger Things packed the Sheraton Athens room on Sunday at 1PM to talk about all things Season 4. There was a blanket spoilers warning for the panel, as there is for this article. Surprisingly, there were a few in the audience who had not completed the series, yet. Moderator Leigh Bennett-Conner kicked off the panel with C. Damian… Read more →

William Shatner: Aware

William Shatner: Aware

Saturday morning in the Hilton Grand Salon, Dragon Con’s Trek track welcomed the ever-captivating William Shatner. In classic form, Shatner regaled the crowd with stories and insights drawn from a lifetime of experience. This was particularly the case given that it is his first Dragon Con since traveling into space on Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin spacecraft. That experience added another… Read more →

Myth and History: World Building in Historical Fantasy

The Fantasy Literature track at Dragon Con 2022 welcomed a distinguished group of authors to their track room in the Hyatt Embassy Saturday evening to discuss the use of historical material in the construction of fantasy worlds. Joining moderator Mera Rose were urban fantasy and paranormal romance author Jennifer Blackstream, military science fiction and fantasy author Marc Alan Edelheit, Chris… Read more →

Break Out Your Gaffi Sticks! The Tusken Dance

Break Out Your Gaffi Sticks! The Tusken Dance

The sand people of Tatooine (also known as the Tusken Raiders) made their first appearance in film in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. In the film saga, they have been at best foils, serving to advance the narrative and development of the main characters. We knew little of them and their perspective through the films. Disney+’s Book of… Read more →

Monster Science

What strange creature just washed up on the shore? Why does it have only one eye? Where in blazes is its stomach? It’s all eye and mouth! Who you gonna call to figure out if this horrific critter is dangerous? (No, not them. This blobby thing isn’t a ghost.) A scientist, that’s who we need! During “Monster Mophology” at 2:30PM… Read more →

Defining Noir in Science Fiction

What makes a science fiction story noir? The Sci-fi Literature track sponsored a panel at 1:00PM on Saturday to consider the question. Moderator Kacey Ezell started by asking panelists Jon R. Osborne, Stuart Jaffe, Griffin Barber, Marisa Wolf, and John Hartness to give an “elevator pitch” explaining noir. Hartness described as being an aesthetic of shadowy tales and black and… Read more →

And the Winner is… Nic Cage!

It was a sold-out room when Nicolas Cage faced off with Nicolas Cage in “Cage vs. Cage: The All-Nicolas Cage Match!” Spectators gathered in Marriott M103-M105 Saturday at 2:30pm to take part in the spectacle that is a Nicolas Cage event. The brackets were laid out with some of Nicolas Cage’s most iconic roles pitted against one another. Panelists Keith… Read more →