Our Flag Means Dragon Con

The Alternate and Historical Fiction track held a fan discussion for the popular HBO Max show Our Flag Means Death on Friday at 4PM in the Sheraton Macon room. The popularity of the show meant that the small room was packed, and they had to turn many people away at the door. Members had been lining up for the panel… Read more →

Singing with the Elf Choir

On Friday at 7PM, people of all ages and musical abilities gathered in the Hilton Crystal Ballroom for this panel, a mash-up of High Fantasy and reality. Kathleen Dallin, the lead of this panel, had the attendees separated by voice (Soprano, Alto, and Baritones) at the beginning. Two pieces of music were handed out. Although music training was not necessary… Read more →

Lang Belta Level 1

The TV series The Expanse introduced Lang Belta, a Creole-style language from space that blends languages from all over Earth with the unique culture of the Belt. Hanne Madeleine Gates Paine (Iro) led this panel on Friday in Marriott M301 at 2:30PM, teaching the participants some of the basic conversational phrases of Lang Belta. Paine is an acclaimed language educator… Read more →

For the Love of Stabby Things and a Sword Named Tim

For the Love of Stabby Things and a Sword Named Tim

Here at Dragon Con (especially the Daily Dragon), we have a longstanding love for all things sharp and stabby. So much so that the High Fantasy track hosted a panel dedicated to our favorite stabbity object, the sword, Friday at 11:30AM in the Marriott L401–403 with authors Brian D. Anderson, Mac Edelheit, Cat Rambo, and Constance G.J. Wagner. According to… Read more →

Writers Track Answers the Dilemma, “That Scene Won't Work! What Do I Do Now?”

Writers Track Answers the Dilemma, “That Scene Won’t Work! What Do I Do Now?”

Writers Track moderator Vanessa Giunta quizzed a stellar panel of writers on Friday at the Hyatt, asking first how they wrote themselves out of corners. Andrew Oliver, appearing on a convention panel for the first time, approached the question by addressing what each character’s goal was and how they reached it. J.M. Paquette also took a character-centric approach, suggesting that… Read more →

Gandalf versus Sauron: Angels at War

Gandalf versus Sauron: Angels at War

The High Fantasy Track welcomed Constance G.J. Wagner, Tolkien scholar and long-time participant in the track, and Laura Grabowski of middleearthnews.com to discuss the roots of the conflict between the two great Maiar on Friday at 10AM in the Marriott L401-403. Moderated by Jim Wert, the session engaged a standing-room only crowd in a consideration of these characters, their development,… Read more →

No Sew Fabric Flowers

Want to be creative but don’t know how to sew? No problem. This Friday workshop on making fabric flowers without sewing, in the AmericasMart2 203D, was a prepaid workshop for Con participants. Using various fabrics and hot glue, participants were able to make flowers that could be used for cosplay, decoration, or any kind on embellishment. One of the side… Read more →

Why Jurassic Park is a Terrible Zoo and Dangling Cows Like Tea Bags is a Bad Idea

Much like lines for the velociraptors on Isla Nublar, the line for the “Jurassic Park is a Terrible Zoo” panel wrapped around the Hilton Crystal Ballroom (and beyond) on Friday at 4:30PM. Paleontologists Will Harris and David Moscato along with Lucas Hernandez, animal educator at the South Carolina Aquarium, discussed all the reasons why, as a zoo, Jurassic Park is… Read more →