The TV series The Expanse introduced Lang Belta, a Creole-style language from space that blends languages from all over Earth with the unique culture of the Belt. Hanne Madeleine Gates Paine (Iro) led this panel on Friday in Marriott M301 at 2:30PM, teaching the participants some of the basic conversational phrases of Lang Belta. Paine is an acclaimed language educator and has taught several courses on Lang Belta.
This interactive session was taught in the pure immersion method. No worries on not understanding, Paine had enough body language to “act out” the meanings. Participants practiced these phrases with each other, including ordering from a menu at a Belter diner. Paine was so patient and fun as everyone did their best with their new language skills.
Mi tenye da Belta ere kori (I have the belter in my core).