’20 Panels/Events

The Dragon Prince: Voices and Friends

The Dragon Prince: Voices and Friends

Voice actors from The Dragon Prince seemed genuinely pleased for a chance to get together during this time of isolation. Racquel Belmonte (Claudia), Jesse Inocalla (Soren), Luc Roderique (King Harrow), and Jason Simpson (Lord Viren) joined moderator Renee Cooper on “The Dragon Prince Voice Cast Panel” Monday at 11:30AM, Main Track channel, for a lively discussion of the series. Although… Read more →

A Bit of Hocus Pocus

As this year’s Dragon Con wound toward its end, a bit of nostalgia was finding its way to the main programming channel. Early afternoon Monday, three of the cast members of Hocus Pocus—Doug Jones (Billy), Larry Bagby (Ernie “Ice”) and Tobias Jelinek (Jay)—sat down for a chat about everyone’s favorite Halloween movie. Which, incidentally, was originally released in July, a… Read more →

20 Years of Harry Dresden

20 Years of Harry Dresden

For those that were up early-ish Monday at 10AM, Jim Butcher appeared in the Main Events channel to entertain and inform his fans of what has been going on in his world. Crispy, the moderator, had questions from the fans. When asked about how he was dealing with the quarantine and the virtual world, Butcher stated that in a lot… Read more →

The Wizard's Secret: Chemistry

The Wizard’s Secret: Chemistry

Hold onto your wizard hats, Dragon Con! Let’s blow stuff up with the magic of science! That’s exactly what Jake (Wizard IV) did during the panel “Science Demos Too Dangerous for Dragon Con,” Monday at 8:30AM on the Main Events channel. Assisted by Deuce and R.J., Jake proceeded to amaze viewers with his awesome (and dangerous enough to be banned… Read more →

A Giant’s Legacy

A Giant’s Legacy

On Sunday at 4 PM, comics industry professionals joined moderator Mike Gordon on the Comics and Pop Art Track Facebook page to commemorate a legend in the comics industry, Denny O’Neil, who died this year. The Comics and Pop Art Track panel, titled “Remembering Denny O’Neil,” included Bryan Augustyn, Howard Chaykin, Andrew E.C. Gaska, Charles Kochman, and Paul Levitz. Gordon… Read more →

“This is the Way”: Inside the World of the Mandalorian

The Star Wars at Dragon Con Goes Virtual fan track presented a panel via their YouTube channel Sunday evening that focused on the culture of the Mandalorians. Joining moderator Thomas Harper were Bryan Young, Alexa Shipes, Tom Hutchens and Kyle Bennett. The panel sought to “unpack” and shed some light on Mandalorian culture now that we have seen the first… Read more →

We Want to be Visible: Queer Representation in Entertainment

At 8AM Monday on the Fan Tracks channel, the Diversity Track hosted Michael Williams, Marcus Haynes, Tracy Holt, Shae Carys, and Joy Hatcher along with moderator Jayson Graham gathered to discuss how queer relationships and people are portrayed in entertainment. Specifically they talked about their impact in the television, streaming, and movie industries. The panelists varied from authors of literature… Read more →