Debbie Yutko

Debbie Yutko lives near Atlanta with her husband and two cats. When she isn’t gardening, rescuing homeless kittens, or cramming math formulas into teenagers’ brains, she can be found stringing words together at her computer and dreaming of adventures in far-off lands. She is a lifelong reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy and a veteran of Dragon Con, where she enjoys attending panels and working with the talented staff of the Daily Dragon.

Muscle Mania

Muscle Mania

While wandering the hall outside Marietta in the nether regions of the Hyatt on Thursday at 5PM, this reporter stumbled across a gathering of muscle adorned people with intriguing costumes. Their goal: to win a spot in the Muscle Nerd Showdown to be held later in the evening. While waiting for their turn in the pre-judging portion of the contest,… Read more →

Monster Mashing

Monster Mashing

Want to create a monster? On paper, at least? Sunday at 5:30PM in Hyatt Embassy EF, authors Patricia Briggs, Nancy Knight, Berta Platas, Daniel Schinhofen, Tamsin Silver, and Patricia J. Wooldridge discussed tips and tricks on how to create a memorable and frightening baddie. The authors agreed that it’s best to base the beastie on creatures already known to the… Read more →

Professors Pontificate on Primeval Purposes of Ancient Alien Artifacts

Professors Pontificate on Primeval Purposes of Ancient Alien Artifacts

A panel of four distinguished xenoarcheology professors, plus two lowly doctoral candidates, opined on the meaning and purpose of a bizarre assortment of artifacts presented by the esteemed Dr. Jody Lynn Nye, whose hat would have made Indiana Jones flinch, Sunday at 10AM in Hyatt Embassy AB. The first object for their skilled perusal was what looked to this admittedly… Read more →

On Deck with Bestselling Author Jack Campbell

On Deck with Bestselling Author Jack Campbell

Jack Campbell, aka John Hemry, is the bestselling and prolific author of the Lost Fleet, Beyond the Frontier, and The Lost Stars series, as well as several other series and dozens of short stories. He began writing before retiring from the Navy as a lieutenant commander and draws on his extensive military experiences. Attending his fourth Dragon Con, he graciously… Read more →

Monster Science

What strange creature just washed up on the shore? Why does it have only one eye? Where in blazes is its stomach? It’s all eye and mouth! Who you gonna call to figure out if this horrific critter is dangerous? (No, not them. This blobby thing isn’t a ghost.) A scientist, that’s who we need! During “Monster Mophology” at 2:30PM… Read more →

Research: Too Much of a Good Thing?

Details matter, especially when fans will point out an author’s mistakes. Which sources can you trust? How do you find an expert in a subject? And how much of that painstaking research should you include in your epic masterpiece? At the panel “Start Now, Research” on Thursday at 8:30PM in Hyatt Embassy EF, a group of professionals answered these questions… Read more →

Battle of the Starships

Battle of the Starships

Have you ever wondered which starship from print or film would defeat the rest? Sixteen famous ships, all but two suggested by the audience, battled it out on Thursday evening during the “Starship Smackdown” panel at 7PM in the Hyatt Embassy AB. The vessels ranged from the car/spaceship from Rick and Morty to the Borg Cube from Star Trek. To… Read more →

For the Love of Stabby Things and a Sword Named Tim

For the Love of Stabby Things and a Sword Named Tim

Here at Dragon Con (especially the Daily Dragon), we have a longstanding love for all things sharp and stabby. So much so that the High Fantasy track hosted a panel dedicated to our favorite stabbity object, the sword, Friday at 11:30AM in the Marriott L401–403 with authors Brian D. Anderson, Mac Edelheit, Cat Rambo, and Constance G.J. Wagner. According to… Read more →