Debbie Yutko

Debbie Yutko lives near Atlanta with her husband and two cats. When she isn’t gardening, rescuing homeless kittens, or cramming math formulas into teenagers’ brains, she can be found stringing words together at her computer and dreaming of adventures in far-off lands. She is a lifelong reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy and a veteran of Dragon Con, where she enjoys attending panels and working with the talented staff of the Daily Dragon.

Rocinante Forever! Expanse Guests at Dragon Con

Rocinante Forever! Expanse Guests at Dragon Con

Fans of The Expanse enjoyed an hour with Wes Chatham, Chad Coleman, and Steven Strait on “The Expanse Guests: Uneasy Alliances,” moderated by Brian Richardson on Friday at 4PM, Centennial II-IV, Hyatt. Chatham, who played Amos Burton and is an Atlanta native, was happy to be here at Dragon Con. He only wished it had been around when he was… Read more →

Locke & Key to Dragon Con

Locke & Key to Dragon Con

Dragon Con attendees gave a warm welcome to three cast members from Netflix’s Locke & Key. Jesse Camacho (Doug Brazelle), Hallea Jones (Eden Jones), and Jackson Robert Scott (Bode Locke) answered questions about the series and their experiences during the “Locke & Key” panel, moderated by Little Red Dot, on Friday at 2:30PM in Centennial II–IV, Hyatt. The obvious question… Read more →

Doomslug, a yellow inflatable with bright blue decorative spikes, poses for a photo

Doomslug Attack!

Warning: Take this article with a grain of salt. The hallway was deserted when I entered it. I’m sure of it. Well, fairly sure, anyway. Thursday afternoons at Dragon Con, I’m still relatively lucid. But I wasn’t alone. There it was, big as life—actually, bigger than life—a massive yellow doomslug! Uncertain what to do… and trying to recall what doomslugs… Read more →

It’s Alive! But is it Scary?

Doc Frankenstein knew what he was doing. Body parts, check. Sturdy thread, check. Giant lightning rod, check. Et violà! One of the scariest monsters ever. Except Frankenstein’s monster wasn’t created by some mad scientist with far more knowledge than common sense but by the imagination of author Mary Shelley. So what does it take to create a monster that’ll send… Read more →

Kim Harrison's Perspective

Kim Harrison’s Perspective

Kim Harrison, bestselling author of The Hollows series, The Peri Reed Chronicles, and traditional fantasies under the name Dawn Cook, joined moderator Carol Malcolm for the virtual panel “A Conversation with Kim Harrison” on Sunday at 5:30PM on the Urban Fantasy Track’s Facebook page. When Harrison first read Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern series, she was disappointed that the main… Read more →

John Scalzi: Just Be You

John Scalzi: Just Be You

Fans gathered for a chance to spend an hour with bestselling and award-winning author John Scalzi, Dragon Con’s 2021 literary guest of honor, on Saturday at 5:30PM in Hyatt Regency VI–VII. Scalzi, best known for his Old Man’s War series (or taping bacon to his cat), has won a Hugo, the John W. Campbell Award, and the Locus Award, and… Read more →

A Victorian View of Death

A Victorian View of Death

Death was a common occurrence for Victorians. Plagues, childbirth, wars—even a simple cut before the advent of antibiotics could bring the Grim Reaper to your door. But the Victorians had one thing their predecessors did not—money. The growing middle class could afford the lavish trappings of death that became the mode. Gail Z. Martin, Ruti Turner, Leanna Renee Hieber, and… Read more →

Actress Bonnie Wright, who played Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter series

Reminiscing with Neville and Ginny

Matt Lewis and Bonnie Wright joined moderator Tony Henderson to share memories of their Harry Potter days during “An Hour with Neville Longbottom & Ginny Weasley” on Friday at 1PM in the Marriott Atrium Ballroom. Lewis and Wright enthusiastically answered questions from the audience, ranging from how they would leave a voicemail for a fan (Wright would use Parseltongue and… Read more →