Max Caracappa

Max sees to the needs of her kitty overlords; polices the grammar on all kinds of published material including signage, menus, and food packaging; and cuddles with her wife while watching her favorite shows (Our Flag Means Death, Killjoys, Sense8, and Doctor Who among them). She continues to be far too excited to be working for the Daily Dragon.

Dragon Con Cults: A Primer

Have you been walking around Dragon Con, seen people in brightly patterned garb, and not known why? Or been handed a badge ribbon that says MB18? Perhaps you’ve wondered who Chad is and why you should care? The Alternate and Historical Fiction track has you covered with a panel on the major Con Cults and their origins, which was a… Read more →

Stranger Things Fans Dissect Season 4

Fans of Stranger Things packed the Sheraton Athens room on Sunday at 1PM to talk about all things Season 4. There was a blanket spoilers warning for the panel, as there is for this article. Surprisingly, there were a few in the audience who had not completed the series, yet. Moderator Leigh Bennett-Conner kicked off the panel with C. Damian… Read more →

No Boys, Just a Countess

The Boys cast panel on Friday at 11:30AM in the Hyatt Centennial II-IV ballroom got off to a late and slightly rocky start when guest Laurie Holden came out without her co-star Laz Alonso. The word was that Laz was on his way but seemed to be lost somewhere in the building. Still, Moderator Thomas Parham wasn’t going to let… Read more →

Our Flag Means Dragon Con

The Alternate and Historical Fiction track held a fan discussion for the popular HBO Max show Our Flag Means Death on Friday at 4PM in the Sheraton Macon room. The popularity of the show meant that the small room was packed, and they had to turn many people away at the door. Members had been lining up for the panel… Read more →