Just Call Me Dragon*Con of the Morning

Brett Martin and Dave the Cameraman from area television show, “Good Day Atlanta,” came to take a look at the convention on Friday morning. The local Fox Network affiliate, Channel 5, brought their talent and equipment to take a look for life in the morning. And to the credit of the convention, there was a (I hate to use the word) respectable turnout.

Three Klingons, Bobba Fett, Ewoks, Jedi “Episode One” Knights, Star Destroyer officers, Storm Troopers, as well as several characters from Troma were there. Additionally Princess Amidallah, one of Fred Flintstone’s cronies, several Musketeers (no, not Mousketeers), joined film actor, Jerome Blake.

When asked why they had gotten up at 6:45 AM, there were two basic responses. One was, “to be on TV.” And the other was “who has been to bed?” Two very reasonable responses.

Mr. Blake is reported to have performed in no less than six different roles in Star Wars, Episode One. The Klingons taught Martin how to say “Back to you” in their language. And the crowd of some 50 attendees did a chorus of the Darth Vader theme song, led by the dark one himself, during one break.

And in the nick of time, as Brett was preparing to do his last broadcast from the ballroom lobby area, Convention Chairman Ed Kramer came to put in an appearance. Ed provided information on the history of the convention and where we will all be next year.

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