Let There Be Lips (a Rocky Horror review)

A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, God said “Let there be lips…” Rocky Horror Picture Show was unleashed upon an anxious audience chanting “Rocky, Rocky, Rocky!” on Friday night.

The convention attendees packed the Regency Ballroom almost to the point of standing room only as they gathered to worship at the cult classic, singing along with the lyrics, shouting out the lines of the film: altered, added and original.

The M.C. started off with the Rocky Horror “Gathering of the Rocky Virgins” where a number of them faced off in the Twinkie contest and the winning man and woman faced off in their “When Harry Met Sally” competition which wound up the Rocky Horror voyeurs to rowdy hoots and cheers.

When the movie started, the audience many times drowned out the movie with their shouting of their own lines. The audience cast took turns playing the major roles so that all the hardcore Rocky fans could play their favorite parts. Of course, the Time Warp had everyone jumping to the left and stepping to the right as all sang at the tops of their lungs.

The assembly applauded at the beginning, during  and  at the end of the show. And as they say in the movie…there wasn’t a dry seat in the house. I overheard a number of happy convention members saying to their friends that they hope that this will become Dragon*Con tradition.

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