Groundbreaking Fantasy With Poser5

3-Axis introduced Poser 5, the latest Poser release by Curious Labs, to an eager audience. This software renders 3D objects in an interactive environment for animation or 2D creation. A demonstration of its capabilities was conducted outside the art show by the Steve Cooper banner.

Being new to Poser myself, I was amazed by the complexity of the textures and environmental controls. The “random morphed face” option allows users to create a unique face using the render engine based off vertices and lighting. There are many options available that can affect the model including ethnicity, gender, and eye socket depth. Hair is generated as individual strands, versus clay-like skullcaps in former versions. The effects of environmental changes such as movement, mass, and friction can also be manipulated.

The demonstration was a bit rushed as there were too many features to thoroughly display in a scant hour and a half, but the 3-Axis folks were quick to assure the audience that training videos would be available to demonstrate more Poser 5 capabilities.

Stop by the Renderosity booth for more information on Poser 5.

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