First Annual Comic Book Babes Costume Contest

All new for 2011, an event which promises to thrill fans of comic books and fabulous babes* alike! Presenting Dragon*Con’s First Annual Comic Book Babes Contest! Sat 8:30PM, Centennial Ballroom (Hyatt).

Perennial Dragon*Con favorite Voltaire will host this premiere costume and beauty contest, with a $1,000 first prize and additional prizes for second and third place as well as specialized categories.

This will be a juried event. All contestants must present themselves for prejudging prior to the contest at the designated prejudging time/place (TBA). Obtain registration forms from the contest registration desk in front of the Centennial Ballroom in the Hyatt and turn them in by Saturday (9/3) at 3PM. Every contestant will receive a special commemorative print featuring dazzling artwork by one of the attending artists.

[*And yes, we’re open to Comic Book Babes being male, female, or other.]

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