2016 Daily Dragon Articles

Here’s an index of all the news, information, interviews, and articles we published for Dragon Con 2016! Panels/Events [catlist id=267 orderby=date order=desc numberposts=-1] Interviews [catlist id=268 orderby=date order=desc numberposts=-1] Contests/Awards [catlist id=265 orderby=date order=desc numberposts=-1] News/Information [catlist id=269 orderby=date order=desc numberposts=-1]

Not Just Programmers: Finding Unusual Video Gaming Jobs

The international panel of experts at the “Unusual Jobs in the Video Game Industry” panel have extremely diverse backgrounds and hold interesting jobs in a field primarily known for artists, programmers, and coders. The full room in the Westin at 5:30PM Saturday was excited to learn about alternatives to break into a field many of them interact with for entertainment… Read more →

2016 Cosplay Contest Winners

Honorable Mentions Gabriella Neves as Mother of Dragons Lily Jonne, Luna Fiare, Lydia Heartwell, and Mark Fainsworth as Tiana, Mulan, Cinderella, and Prince Phillip Christina Jones as the T.A.R.D.I.S. Melody G., Bradley S., Ashley L., and Zack R. as The Institute Lauren Byers as Erza Scarlet Julie Marcinleo as Danielle De Barbarac Jen Gilley as The Night Queen Judge’s Awards… Read more →

2016 Video Game Costume Contest Winners

2016 Video Game Costume Contest Winners

Best In Show: Laura St. Peter, aka Querulous Artisan (Tidemistress Athissa from WoW) 1st Runner-up: Cindy Chen, aka Cindyrella Cosplay (Mercy’s devil skin from Overwatch) 2nd Runner-up: Rebecca Jackson, aka Kona Kyoto (Blood Elf Priest from WoW) Best Group: Sonya and Robin Desilets (Scout Harding w/ Blackwall puppet and Sera w/ Solas puppet from Dragon Age Inquisition) Best Prop: Julia Denniss, aka Crazy 8 Cosplay… Read more →

Vikings: A Different World

Vikings: A Different World

The fourth season of Vikings, the popular television series that airs on the History Channel, is on its midseason break and returns this month. Panelists Kathryn Hines, Kirk Keplinger, Erika Pratte, and Philip Greco were introduced by moderator Jessa Phillips to a full room Saturday evening in the Marriott. With all the action and changes so far this season, the panel… Read more →

Anderson and Moesta Address Writer’s Intensive Workshop

Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta enlightened participants and alumni of Jody Lynn Nye‘s Writer’s Intensive Workshop, discussing craft and publishing on Friday afternoon. Authors, publishers, editors, motivators, Anderson and Moesta run WordFire Press and have produced the Superstars writing seminars. The dynamic duo began with the progression from casual to professional writing. Anderson said that writing short stories used… Read more →

2016 Comic-Book Quick-Sketch Contest Winners

The Comic-Book Quick-Sketch Contest on Monday morning in the Hyatt Learning Center was judged by artist Georges Jeanty. Adult and child winners were named in two categories, individual character and comic book page. Individual Character Adult: Paije Beandry Child: Emma Grace Comic Book Page Adult: Angela Quillen Child: Katie Farmer