’17 Panels/Events

Loony Times with Rob Paulsen

Rob Paulsen just can’t help himself. Over the hour of conversation with him Saturday at 4PM, we heard from Wakko, Arthur, Donatello, and other characters Paulsen had voiced throughout the years. A quick look at Paulsen’s IMDb credits will show you that there are a lot of voices in that head, so it’s understandable that they easily come out. The… Read more →

Writer’s Block Relief at Dragon Con

Anya Martin moderated a stellar panel on writer’s block for the Writer’s Track with fellow panelists Mercedes Lackey, Kim Harrison, Gail Z. Martin, John G. Hartness, Jennifer St. Giles, Kathryn Hinds, and Anne Bartolucci, PhD, CBSM. Wondering about the significance of the size of the audience, Anya Martin began the panel with a one-size-fits-all solution for writer’s block: coffee! But… Read more →

A Panel with No Mistakes in It

The delightful Megan Follows shared memories, lessons learned, and appreciation for her fondly remembered role as the titular character, Anne Shirley, in Anne of Green Gables, Friday morning in Hyatt International South. Currently known as the scheming Catherine de’ Medici in Reign, Follows began the panel with a tribute to what she termed the most noble profession. No, not ruling… Read more →

Hanging with a Demon

Hanging with a Demon

The “Lucifer Cast” panel on Saturday at 1PM in the Hyatt Centennial II–III ballroom got off to a forgivably late start since panelist Lesley-Ann Brandt needed to breastfeed her 6-week-old son before she could attend. No one in the audience seemed to mind, and Brandt seemed to have as much fun answering our questions as we did asking them. Brandt… Read more →

Drunk History Trades Accuracy for Fun

The Daily Dragon is not responsible for the accuracy of the history contained in this article. Do not quote us in an academic paper. You will fail. Unless you are writing an academic paper on drunk history. In which case, we are a citeable, credible source. Also: Because this is a family-oriented publication, asterisks have been inserted to indicate *substitute… Read more →

‘Some People Knit, Some People Solder’ in the Droid-Building Community

‘Some People Knit, Some People Solder’ in the Droid-Building Community

Sunday afternoon’s session with the Star Wars droid-builders in the “Building R2D2, BB-8 & Star Wars Droids” at the Marriott brought builders, designers, and engineers together to talk tech about all the materials, electronics, and more in the world-wide droid-building community. Builders Christina Cato, Matt Hobbes, Steve Morgan, Doug Dixon, Rob Saey, and David Ferreira brought their droid creations for… Read more →

A Fish, a Troll, and a Dragon Walk Into a Tea Shop

A Fish, a Troll, and a Dragon Walk Into a Tea Shop

The first annual “Splendid Teacup Race” took place Saturday at 4PM in the Sheraton Atlanta ballroom. Sponsored by both the Alternative History and Robotics and Makers tracks, this family-friendly event was well attended. Approximately 250 guests surrounded the small track around which ten entrants would soon be racing. Begun in 2014 in New Zealand, teapot racing is governed by The… Read more →

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