Author Omnibus: AI, Boon or Bane for Fiction Writers?

Author Omnibus: AI, Boon or Bane for Fiction Writers?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, writing aids, tools, and apps present writers with help in topics ranging from grammar to creativity. Is AI an advantage for fiction writers, a snare, or even a bandit? The Daily Dragon asked professionals for comments pro and con. (Contributors were encouraged to answer only those questions that applied to their situation.) Daily Dragon (DD): What… Read more →

Hieber and Janes Create a Cornucopia of Spirits

Hieber and Janes Create a Cornucopia of Spirits

Check out Leanna Renee Hieber’s website. You’ll find a treasure of fiction suitable for any Dragon Con reader’s hoard. So what does Hieber do next? Enter A Haunted History of Invisible Women: True Stories of America’s Ghosts by Leanna Renee Hieber and Andrea Janes (Citadel Press 2022). A finalist in the 2022 Bram Stoker Awards® for Superior Achievement in Non–Fiction,… Read more →

All Hail the Puppet Nerd!

All Hail the Puppet Nerd!

Adam Kreutinger, AKA The Puppet Nerd, has come to Dragon Con to enlist us all in the greatest venture available to novice nerds. Want to make something? Put a puppet together for the first time. Want to achieve true artistry? Turn a ragbag into a hero. Want to impress your friends? Introduce them to the Puppet Nerd! Daily Dragon (DD):… Read more →

2023 Dragon Con Blood Drive T-shirt and badge pin information

2023 Robert A. Heinlein Blood Drive

A Dragon Con tradition continues: the Robert A. Heinlein “Pay It Forward” Blood Drive is back for 2023! This is the 20th anniversary of the blood drive, founded in 2003. Come open a vein and maybe save a life! All donors and volunteers will get a t-shirt and special badge ribbon, and scheduled donors will get a special gift. Make… Read more →

The Dragon Con Virtual Experience

Yes, you really can keep the magic of Dragon Con alive, virtually, through the convention weekend and all year round. Tune in to Dragon Con from home, live from your hotel while finalizing that last costume detail, or even from the future, long after the excitement of the weekend has gone the way of the Marriott Carpet and the Sheraton:… Read more →

Logo for CURE Childhood Cancer

Dragon Con 2023 Charity Events

For 2023, Dragon Con will be raising funds for CURE Childhood Cancer, an Atlanta-based organization whose purpose is right in the name. Founded in 1975, CURE funds targeted research on childhood cancers while supporting patients and their families. This year, Dragon Con will match fundraising for CURE up to $125,000! Dragon Con’s flagship fundraiser each year is the main Charity… Read more →