Utopias and Dystopias in YA Literature

In the Gwinnett room of the Hilton in the difficult 10:00AM Monday timeslot, Scott Westerfeld and a group of librarians discussed books that tackle the topic of Utopias and Dystopias. Many of the audience members were huge fans of Westerfeld’s Uglies, Pretties, and Specials books—a series set in a future where gasoline-powered engines all exploded decades before, and the new… Read more →

Two Apollos, a Chief, and a Battlestar

Two Apollos, a Chief, and a Battlestar

On Saturday at 11:30, the actors from Battlestar Galactica took center stage in the Regency Ballroom for a lively discussion typical of the GQ’s from BSG. Aaron Douglas, Richard Hatch, and Jamie Bamber fired innuendos and complements like ordinance out of a viper. Douglas confirmed that his last-minute visit to Dragon*Con had been influenced by his fans’ email campaign to… Read more →

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