Thursday is the New Friday

Thursday is traditionally “get settled” day at Dragon*Con as people flood into the hotels and map out must-see events. To warm up attendees, first night programming focuses on music. Mississippi based trio Cemetery Surfers played Centennial II-III at 9:30PM. Their odd mix of blues and beach music produced by guitar, bass, and synth/drum machine framed their horror-themed stage show. As… Read more →

Black is Back!

Claudia Black made her first convention appearance in more than two years Sat in front of a capacity crowd in Centennial 1. After being moved to a larger room, fans still had to be turned away, but those inside were treated to 30 minutes with Claudia Black.

Waiting in the Walk of Fame

Crowds and lines were the norm at Dragon*Con 2007, but fans in the Walk of Fame Sunday afternoon were undaunted. Harry Potter fans waited patiently for James and Oliver Phelps and Matthew Lewis to return from a lunch break. The staff gave out numbers on slips of paper, so the fans could take a break, too.

Ve Vant Your Blood

After two major operations and multiple blood transfusions, Robert Heinlein started his convention blood drives in 1976 at WorldCon in Kansas City. He would only talk to or sign autographs for people who had donated blood. Since that start in ‘76, it has become a tradition at many sci-fi conventions.

Enjoying Q&A Panels at Dragon*Con

There are a lot of tracks, guests, and panels to see here at Dragon*Con, and some of the most popular panels are the celebrity guest Q&A panels. Since it can sometimes get a little overwhelming when trying to figure out how and what to ask, we have compiled a handy list of some DOs and don’ts to keep in mind… Read more →

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