Blood Drive 2009

Last year, the Dragon*Con Blood Drive issued a challenge to the attendees to beat Comic-Con’s donations for that year. And we made history when we were the single largest blood drive ever at a science fiction related convention when 1,165 individuals registered to donate blood, with 938 of them successfully doing so and 75 double red donations using the ALYX machines, for a total of 1,013 units collected. Victory was ours!

This year, Comic-Con answered the challenge and replied by collecting 1,070 pints of blood. The gauntlet has been thrown, and it’s up to us to accept the challenge! We’re also looking into establishing an official title for this challenge over the course of the next year with a trophy to be commissioned and awarded to the winner going forward. Donate your blood to ensure the trophy remains where it belongs: With Us!

But if you need more reasons to give blood, we’re also giving away freebies and prizes. Bleed for us and get a free Dragon*Con Blood Drive t-shirt, have your name entered into a drawing for prizes at the World of Warcraft party, and the first 500 donors will receive a special collectible mug from Vampire Dairies!

On Thursday, the blood drive will be taking donations in the Sheraton Hotel near the registration area as well as in the Marriott Marquis, Rooms A701-A702. This dual location blood drive will only happen on Thursday. If you wish to donate on the other days of the con, please go to A701-702 in the Marriott Marquis.

Thurs: By registration in Sheraton
Thurs-Mon: A701 – 702 in the Marriott Marquis hotel

Thursday: 11AM – 10PM
Friday: 10AM – 7PM
Saturday: 10AM – 7PM
Sunday: 10AM – 7PM
Monday: 9AM – 3PM

MMO Blood Drive
Click to see full-size flier

Author of the article

After a lifetime of science fiction and fantasy influences, the last twenty of which have been spent in IT, Geoff Termorshuizen is applying for his Ph.D. in Strategic Security after finishing a B.A in Political Science and M.Sc.'s in Cyber Security and MIS. He currently works as a technical consultant for ACI Worldwide, supporting security and financial payment systems. You can find him at Con either at the the DailyDragon room, or via the EFF track where he has presented panels on digital forensics, privacy, cyberwar, surveillance and technology related politics.