’09 D*C Info

Beware of Parking Extortion

It has been reported to us that one of the parking lots next to the Hilton (facing the Hilton, the second lot on the left on Baker St., immediately behind the LAZ lot, owned by Central Parking) is charging a low $10 parking fee but is subsequently booting the vehicle and requiring vehicle owners to pay an additional $50 to… Read more →

A Peek into Georgia Aquarium

Georgia Aquarium is the biggest in the world for volume of water and numbers of fish and animals, with 8 million gallons of water, compared to the next biggest aquarium which has “only” 1 million! And on Saturday night from 7:30 to 11PM, Dragon*Con-goers will have exclusive access to this record-breaking attraction. You’ll come in through the main entrance as… Read more →

Choices! We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Choices! (Or How the Information Booths Can Help You Navigate Through Dragon*Con)

Monday night. Already I am anxious. I don’t know what I will be doing come Friday morning—and I must know. Choices. Too many options, I cannot see ahead. Panic. Where to start: “Nimoy & Shatner” or “Write a Story in an Hour?” At least I know I’ll be remaining in the Hyatt for the next session, but will it be… Read more →

Pocket Program and Schedule Grid PDFs for Download

Pocket Program and Schedule Grid PDFs for Download

The PDF version of the 2009 Pocket Program is available for download, either in full or two parts: Full 2009 Pocket Program (7 MB Includes Maps) Pocket Program-Main Section (1.5 MB No Pull-Out Section) Pocket Program-Pullout Section (6.5 MB Includes Maps) The PDF version of the 2009 Schedule Grids are available for download (these are fitted to a standard page… Read more →

Daily Dragon Tweets

Daily Dragon Tweets

Worried about missing the latest Dragon*Con news at the convention?  Now you can get Daily Dragon updates from Twitter!  Receive tweets whenever we publish new schedule changes or a new article or interview. Just follow daily_dragon on Twitter.

Getting Here, There, and Back Again to Here

Worried about suffering heat prostration after getting your badge from registration in the Sheraton? Or does the thought of making the trek from the Hilton to the Sheraton, or even from the Hyatt to the Marriott, make you wish you could replace your tired feet and sore legs with cybernetic implants? We’ve got good news! (No, it’s not a blue-light… Read more →