What Women Want

In What Women Want on Sunday at 11AM in Greenbriar, panelists engaged in a lively discussion of how women are portrayed in popular media.  According to Shannon K. Butcher, author of romantic suspense and paranormal romance, “femininity is one of the most powerful things in the Universe—ask any man who’s been brought to his knees by a woman.”  But are… Read more →

Star Trek World Record!

Dragon*Con has boldly gone where no one has gone before. Dragon*Con has broken the world record for the largest gathering of Star Trek costumes (pending confirmation). The current record was set at 543, and our initial count puts our attempt at 571. These numbers will be submitted to Guinness World Records for verification and authentication. Live long and prosper!

Facing Your Demon First Thing Sunday Morning

For all good demon experts, 10AM on a Sunday is a real challenge. Microphones had all been carefully adjusted for the panelists who struggled to maintain their voices after myriad late-night antics. Still, Dragon*Con must go on, and the “Face Your Demon” panel discussion started on time, with a sizable audience. During introductions, a blue, tribble-like demon also received his… Read more →

New Artifacts in the Warehouse?

Saul Rubinek, Eddie McClintock, Tia Carrera, and Mark Sheppard from Warehouse 13 were in the Centennial II-III Sunday morning. Although this was the third time this weekend most of these cast members spoke on their series, it was fresh and lively. The cast took about ten minutes talking about their show and their admiration for the writers of the series…. Read more →

Last Day to Donate Blood!

Fantastic drive so far, my fellow hematolagniacs! The vampires that secretly run Dragon*Con thank you! Our numbers to date: Thursday: Registered 644; Drew 556 Friday: Registered 712; Drew 628 Saturday: Registered 650; Drew 539 Sunday: Registered 691; Drew 580 Totals: Registered 2697; Drew 2303 One more day to donate! Please come give a pint and save a life or 2000!