’10 Panels/Events

What Women Want

In What Women Want on Sunday at 11AM in Greenbriar, panelists engaged in a lively discussion of how women are portrayed in popular media.  According to Shannon K. Butcher, author of romantic suspense and paranormal romance, “femininity is one of the most powerful things in the Universe—ask any man who’s been brought to his knees by a woman.”  But are… Read more →

Facing Your Demon First Thing Sunday Morning

For all good demon experts, 10AM on a Sunday is a real challenge. Microphones had all been carefully adjusted for the panelists who struggled to maintain their voices after myriad late-night antics. Still, Dragon*Con must go on, and the “Face Your Demon” panel discussion started on time, with a sizable audience. During introductions, a blue, tribble-like demon also received his… Read more →

New Artifacts in the Warehouse?

Saul Rubinek, Eddie McClintock, Tia Carrera, and Mark Sheppard from Warehouse 13 were in the Centennial II-III Sunday morning. Although this was the third time this weekend most of these cast members spoke on their series, it was fresh and lively. The cast took about ten minutes talking about their show and their admiration for the writers of the series…. Read more →

Mind Your Own Business

Sean Faircloth was in 205-207 (Hil) Sunday afternoon addressing how religious attitudes towards sex has poisoned how Americans make decisions in all public policy. As a ten-year congressional veteran and the CEO of the Secular Coalition, he states that “he works for the American people” in trying to have separation between church and state. In the 21st century, there is… Read more →

Tor to Come

In the “Tor to Come” panel at 2:30 on Sunday in the International North Ballroom, the Tor editors presented an array of titles spanning their various lines.   In addition to continuing series from familiar names, they’re launching debut authors, reprinting classics, and offering new works from bestsellers.  The list included several steampunk works, old and new. The editors touted Beth… Read more →

jim butcher

A Magical Panel with Jim Butcher

The Regency VI-VII early Sunday morning was full of attendees wanting to know more about the man behind the Dresden series and the Codex Alera series. Jim Butcher is this incredible author. He spoke on how he got started, and how horrible his writing used to be. He stated that he finally took some classes at the local college and… Read more →

Bridging Two Worlds: A Chat with Jennifer Ouellette

A speaker in the Science, Skeptics, and Writer’s Track, Jennifer Ouellette has authored fun and fascinating books The Physics of the Buffyverse, Quantum Cats: Tales from the Annals of Physics, and most recently The Calculus Diaries: How Math Can Help You Lose Weight, Win in Vegas, and Survive a Zombie Apocalypse. For two years she has been the director of… Read more →