’12 Blood Drive

Blood Drive 2012 and Hurricane Isaac

Every year, hospitals and ER’s require hundreds of thousands of units of blood. Natural disasters like Hurricane Isaac have a double impact; they raise the need for blood, and at the same time, make it impossible for people in the areas affected to donate themselves. Without donations from blood drives, lives are directly put at risk. Ten minutes of your… Read more →

Blood Drive Sucks Me In

I have always wanted to give blood, but because of my age (under 18) and home country (Canada), I was never able to do so legally.  I arrived at Dragon*Con to find out that this year’s blood drive is bigger and better than ever, and I am officially eligible to donate blood.  After less than an hour, I received my… Read more →

Dragon*Con Blood Drive

Dragon*Con Blood Drive 2012 with Revised Hours on Thursday

For LifeSouth, which serves more than 40 hospitals in the Atlanta area and more than 110 hospitals in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, Dragon*Con is a major undertaking. Last year, the drive collected 3,448 units, assisted by a crew of more than 60 people from all three states who descended on Atlanta to handle the flood of donors in costume. “We… Read more →