Ann C. Crispin’s Advanced Writers Workshops Submission Deadline Extended: Register Now!

This year, seven-time New York Times bestselling author A.C. Crispin is offering two new advanced writers workshops at Dragon*Con:

  • “Advanced Marketing” – Topics will include networking, how to find beta readers, peer review venues, keeping track of submissions, how to interpret rejection letters, submission timetables, exclusives, revising a manuscript in response to agent or editor feedback, and identifying and avoiding writing scams. Students will participate in hands-on exercises using marketing resources to compile a list of literary agents for their submissions. Thu (9/1) 9AM-6PM.
  • “Integrating Plot and Character in Stories” – How to suit character to plot, and vice versa, how to get the most bang for your buck from your protagonist and the challenges he/she/it faces. Fri (9/2) 9AM-6PM.

Both workshops will include personal manuscript reviews and critiques by Ms. Crispin. And due to Ms. Crispin’s travel schedule in promoting her newest novel, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom, the deadline for submissions to her workshops has been extended to midnight on August 24, 2011.

Registration is $150.00 per workshop and space is limited to 25 students each. There’s still room but space is filling up fast!

Once you’ve registered, please submit the requested material to ( ann (at) accrispin (dot) com. For more details, registration information, and prerequisites, see the Workshops page on the main Dragon*Con website.

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