The Orville Oddities

The Orville serves up the perfect mix of humor, social issues, and quirk, and their panel was much the same in the Hyatt Regency VI-VII Sunday. Mark Jackson, J. Lee, and Peter Macon talked about the odd jobs they’ve had, the costumes and prosthetics they wear, and how the Ja’loja scene streamed onto screens. When asked about to talk about… Read more →

African Cultures and High Fantasy

Sunday morning, high fantasy fans were treated to a wonderful panel about African influences in the genre. At 10AM, eager fans filled Marriott A401–403. Panelists Milton Davis and Alledria Hurt delivered a spectacular panel that was packed with information. They started off  with a brief history lesson that was informative and relevant, weaving more and more historical details throughout. Even… Read more →

Companions in Time and Space (And Conversation!)

Catherine Tate and Freema Agyeman (in her first Dragon Con appearance) graced Hilton’s Grand Salon Saturday and answered fans’ burning questions about how it felt to explore time and save the universe beside the 10th Doctor, played by David Tennant. Tate, with her characteristic quick wit and silliness, wooed the audience from the word go, calling the silver carafe of… Read more →

The Devil Went Down to Dragon Con

A distinguished panel of editors, agents, and authors gathered in Hyatt Embassy CD and explained what they really want from new writers during the panel, “Dealin’ with the Devil,” on Sunday evening for the Writer’s Track. Lucienne Diver, Claire M. Eddy, Chris A. Jackson, Jonathan Maberry, Lee Martindale, and Steve Saffel gave tips on how to be professional and warned… Read more →

The Sport of Chair Racing with the 10th Doctor

In a fight between the Doctor and Killgrave, with Crowley as the referee, who would survive? According to David Tennant, Crowley, hands down. Why? Because Crowley would just get bored and walk away. That’s hard to argue against, but then again, who knows what wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey tricks the Doctor might have up his sleeve? And couldn’t Killgrave just tell them… Read more →

2019 Masquerade Winners

2019 Masquerade Winners

This year’s Masquerade was hosted by Eddie McClintock (as Willy Wonka) and Tony Gowell (as an Ooompa-Loompa). Best Toddler: Natasha and Cristian Kersh as Belle and Chip Best Teen: Makayla Hulsey and Allysan Morris, Bast Egyptian Goddesses Best Youth: Ianna and Adelin Gore, Queen Amidala and Padme Best Animation: Lauren Stewart, Hawkgirl Best DC: Genesis Crowder and Rebecca Kunimoto, Wonder… Read more →

Magical Illustrations of the Cosmere

Magical Illustrations of the Cosmere

Fans crowded into Centennial I on Sunday afternoon in the Hyatt to preview Dan dos Santos’s illustrations for the 10th anniversary edition of Brandon Sanderson’s Warbreaker. Sanderson said he fell in love with Santos’s work and asked for him to illustrate the book. Santos has done such a fantastic job that Sanderson has dubbed him Dandos the Oilsworn. The anniversary… Read more →

Zach Galligan, Gizmo, and the Gremlins: A Study in Black Comedy

Zach Galligan—a mainstay of ‘80s cult horror films and black comedies—lovingly cleared a space for an ever-cute plush Gizmo on his table, moving the silver pitcher of water as far from the mogwai as possible. It was a charming and endearing start to his panel in the Hilton’s Grand East Saturday afternoon to celebrate all things Gremlins, where Galligan showed… Read more →