’04 Bands

Ghoultown to Stage Farewell Concert at Dragon*Con

Ghoultown will perform its farewell concert at Dragon*Con 2004 Sun 1AM Regency Ballroom VI-VII. Count Lyle, Ghoultown’s lead vocalist, said, “letting Dragon*Con be our last show is kind of a cool thing.”  Lyle added, “We are retiring and doing something else, letting the winds blow us wherever.”  Fans interested in following the group should check out their website at www.ghoultown.com…. Read more →

Hangface Røcks Dragon*Con

Daggi Helling, Hogne Rundberg, Espen Høgmo, and Bjørnar Flaa are Hangface, a Norwegian hard rock band, newly returned to the U.S. They have teamed with legendary rock producer Eddie Kramer (who has worked with such greats as Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, Led Zepplin, The Beatles, and David Bowie) to take the American music scene by storm. They dropped by… Read more →

Of Schoolgirls and Hell-Spawn

OK, so, what do Catholic schoolgirls and hell-spawn have in common? Well, besides plaid skirts?  Why, Thursday night at Dragon*Con, of course! Where else in the world (or beyond it) could you listen to classic Van Halen wail from the Catholic schoolgirl-dressed guitarist of the band McFly, and then walk a few dozen yards to catch the band Helltrash pound… Read more →