Zombies Matter: The Walking Dead

AMC’s The Walking Dead consistently brings in top ratings and often beats the ratings of network programs. Several cast members, dead and alive, sat down in the “All That Matters: Walking Dead Q&A” panel in the Peachtree Ballroom (W) on Sunday at 5:30PM and discussed all things walker.

Endless Wonder: So Long Warehouse 13

There were tears of laughter and tears of loss at the “WH13: So Long and Thanks for All the Teslas” farewell panel on Monday. Fans were treated to a hilarious gag reel that turned sad for diehard fans contemplating a near future without one of their beloved shows. One of the most interesting questions of the morning was what personal… Read more →

There Can Be Only One: An Hour With Adrian Paul

Before moderator Dan Carroll brought Adrian Paul out on the stage, he induced the audience to sing “Princes of the Universe,” the theme song to Highlander. The audience was more than happy to oblige, singing as many of the verses as we could remember. At the conclusion, Paul came onstage with a huge grin. “I think you know the song… Read more →

Puppets, Pixels, and Portals

Puppets, Pixels, and Portals

What do Fraggle Rock, Toy Story 2, and Portal have in common? Puppeteer and animator Karen Prell, who shared her varied career on the panel “Puppets, Pixels, and Portals: The Work of Karen Prell” on Sunday at 11:30AM in Marriot A704. Prell told her story with the help of a slideshow, beginning with a picture of her doing career research… Read more →