Star Wars Connections

Steven Sansweet, fan relations guru for Lucasfilm Ltd., presented Star Wars Connections, a preview of Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones.  Sansweet said that Star Wars II will start connecting Episode I to the original trilogy.  He promised that many fans’ unresolved questions will be answered in Episodes II. “This movie is going to be … wow.” —Samuel Jackson… Read more →

Behind the Scenes of Lord of the Rings

J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic fantasy, The Lord of the Rings has been loved by millions of people around the world for many years.  Peter Jackson is directing the film adaptations in production now.  The Fellowship of the Ring will be coming to theaters near you on December 19, 2001.  The Two Towers will follow in December 2002, and The Return of… Read more →

Fantasy Full Body Make-up With Liquid Latex

Macia and Jocelyn offered their bodies to the demonstration of the applications of Liquid Latex and Airbrush make-up.  They are models for the artists.  The demonstration was filled to capacity so, it took me several moments before I got into the ongoing demonstration. I caught the question and answer period initially hosted by Dave Ekerle.  He pointed the audience… Read more →

Scully 101 (Forensics 101)

One of the X-Track’s biggest draws, Forensics 101, brings out all the voyeurs of the convention crowd to gather into the darkened room to huddle around a projector to satisfy their morbid curiosity. Dr. Kris Sperry, M.D., showed the audience many of his pictures from one of his previous presentations for Georgia law enforcement, filled with many gruesome photographs to… Read more →