’04 Guests

Firefly Cast Visits Dragon*Con

If you are a fellow fan of the show Firefly, you are already familiar with Nathan Fillion, Jewel Staite, and Adam Baldwin. If you’re not familiar with the show (in which case, go now, rent, borrow, or purchase the DVD set, and watch it), they play three members of the crew of the starship Serenity, plying the space-lanes, doing various… Read more →

A Chat with audre at the Digital Art Show

“Dragon*Con’s digital art show is one of a kind for genre fandom,” said audre, the digital show’s director. Located in Artist Alley (Marriott Imperial Ballroom), “get art the way you want,” is the slogan for the program. The show within the art show offers digital art in a variety of media: glossy canvas, glossy Light Jet™, matte Light Jet™, and… Read more →

Sybil Danning

Sybil Danning has graced us at Dragon*Con for a Saturday panel on Women In Film. Sybil will be in the Regency VII along with Margo Kidder in a Question and Answer forum. Sybil will be bring to the forum what she has learned in the industry as far as the limits that she has encountered and how she has handled… Read more →

Eavesdropping on Matt Robinson

I managed to just slip in the door for the Q&A session for Matt Robinson, best known for his role as the slightly disreputable “Slade” on the television show, The Tribe. Thankfully, Matt had just begun his session, and I didn’t draw down the wrath of the director. Robinson, a native of London, England, is a relatively new addition to… Read more →

Debra Dixon Offers Workshop for Novelists

Debra Dixon will teach a one-hour workshop covering the elements of fiction writing on Monday at 2:30 p.m. in the WRIT/Writer’s Track (Greenbriar). The mini seminar is based on concepts from Dixon’s book GMC: Goal, Motivation & Conflict, The Building Blocks of Good Fiction (Gryphon Books for Writers 1996).