Anthony Francis

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Robots, Computers, & Magic: Anthony Francis

Robots, Computers, & Magic: Anthony Francis

By day, Anthony Francis teaches robots to learn; by night, he writes science fiction and draws comic books. He’s been attending Dragon Con practically forever and sold his first novel, the urban fantasy Frost Moon, from a contact he made in the Writer’s Track. His first steampunk story, “Steampunk Fairy Chick,” is set at a giant convention, and that led… Read more →

Research: Too Much of a Good Thing?

Details matter, especially when fans will point out an author’s mistakes. Which sources can you trust? How do you find an expert in a subject? And how much of that painstaking research should you include in your epic masterpiece? At the panel “Start Now, Research” on Thursday at 8:30PM in Hyatt Embassy EF, a group of professionals answered these questions… Read more →

Authors Explore Plotting vs. Plodding… and Jelly Doughnuts

A panel of authors led by the august Lee Martindale showered writers with splendid advice in the Saturday afternoon Writers Track panel in the Hyatt on creating plots. Describing herself as a “short-story slinger,” Martindale invited the team of authors to suggest ways to capture sometimes elusive plot ideas. Melissa F. Olson replied that when she gets even a small… Read more →

Trends in Paranormal and Urban Fantasy Fiction

Vampires are cool…until they’re cliché.  Shapeshifters are hot…until they’re barely lukewarm.  What’s red-hot today may be dead-dog boring tomorrow.   Or might just be the next big thing again next year.  How do you know?  Should you write for the current trend?  The answer to that question put to a panel of best-selling authors on Friday at 11:30 at “Trends in… Read more →

We’re All Winners at the Dragon Awards

Charles Gannon hosted the fourth annual Dragon Awards on Sunday evening, assisted by attending luminaries David Blue, Mike Capps, Peter David, Katherine Kurtz, Larry Niven, George Pérez, Tim Powers, Cat Rambo, Brandon Sanderson, and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Winners were quick to congratulate all the nominees and to show their appreciation for all their fans. Gannon noted that the theme of… Read more →

Novel Experience

Novelists Anthony Frances, E.K. Johnston, and Diana Peterfreund generously shared their expertise during the “How to Write a Damn Good Book” panel on Monday in Hyatt Embassy CD. The three talented authors spent the hour discussing the tips and tricks they’ve learned about writing during their writing careers. Writers often hear the adage about having to write a few bad… Read more →